WebGPU Compatibility mode is a version of WebGPU that, with some limits, can run on older devices. The idea is, if you can make your app run within some extra limits and restrictions then you can request a webgpu compatibility adapter and have your app run in more places.
Note: Compatibility mode has not officially shipped. It may be available in your browser as an experiment. In, Chrome Canary, as of version 136.0.7063.0 (2025-03-11), you can allow compatibility mode by enabling the flag “enable-unsafe-webgpu” by going to
To give some idea what what you can do in compatibility mode, effectively nearly all WebGL2 programs could be converted to run on compatibility mode.
Here’s how you do it.
const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({ featureLevel: 'compatibility', }); const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
Simple! Note that every app that follows all the limits of compatibility mode is a valid “core” webgpu app and will run anywhere WebGPU is already running.
The major restriction that is most likely to affect WebGPU apps is that ~45% of these old devices do not support storage buffers in vertex shaders.
We used this feature in the article on storage buffers which is the 3nd article on this site. After that article we switched to using vertex buffers. Using vertex buffers is common and works everywhere but certain solutions are easier with storage buffers. One example is this example of drawing wireframes. It uses storage buffers to generate triangles from vertex data.
With vertex data stored in storage buffers we can randomly access the vertex data. With the vertex data in vertex buffer we can not. Of course there are always other solutions.
In normal WebGPU you can make a 2d texture like this
const myTexture = device.createTexture({ size: [width, height, 6], usage: ... format: ... });
You can then view it 3 different view dimensions
// a view of myTexture as a 2d array with 6 layers const as2DArray = myTexture.createView(); // view layer 3 of myTexture as a 2d texture const as2D = myTexture.createView({ viewDimension: '2d', baseArrayLayer: 3, arrayLayerCount: 1, }); // view of myTexture as a cubemap const asCube = myTexture.createView({ viewDimension: 'cube', });
In compatibility mode you can only use one view dimension and you have to
choose which viewDimension when you create the texture. A 2D texture with
1 layer defaults to only being usable as a '2d'
view. A 2D texture with
more than 1 layer defaults to only being usable as a '2d-array
’ view.
If you want something other than the default you must tell WebGPU. For example,
If you want a cube map then you must tell WebGPU when you create the texture.
const cubeTexture = device.createTexture({ size: [width, height, 6], usage: ... format: ... textureBindingViewDimension: 'cube', });
Note, this extra parameter is called textureBindingViewDimension
it relates to using the texture with usage TEXTURE_BINDING
. You can still
use a single layer of a cubemap or 2d-array as a 2d texture as a RENDER_ATTACHMENT
In compatibility mode, using the texture with another type of view will generate a validation error
// a view of cubeTexture as a 2d array with 6 layers const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({ ... entries: [ { binding, // ERROR in compatibility mode: texture is a cubemap not a 2d-array resource: cubeTexture.createView(), }, ], })
// view layer 3 of cubeTexture as a 2d texture const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({ ... entries: [ { binding, // ERROR in compatibility mode: texture is a cubemap not 2d resource: cubeTexture.createView({ viewDimension: '2d', baseArrayLayer: 3, arrayLayerCount: 1, }), }, ] });
// view of cubeTexture as a cubemap const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({ ... entries: [ { binding, // GOOD! resource: cubeTexture.createView({ viewDimension: 'cube', }), }, ], });
This restriction is not that big of a deal. Few programs want to use a texture with different kinds of views.
you can not select a subset of layers in a bindGroupIn core WebGPU we can create a texture with some layers
const texture = device.createTexture({ size: [64, 128, 8], // 8 layers, ... });
We can then select a subset of layers
const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({ ... entries: [ { binding, // ERROR in compatibility mode - select layers 3 and 4 resource: cubeTexture.createView({ baseArrayLayer: 3, arrayLayerCount: 2, }), }, ], });
This restriction is also not that big of a deal. Few programs want to select a subset of layers from a texture.
There is one place though both of these restrictions comes up and that is when generating mipmaps, which is a common use-case.
Recall that we made a gpu based mipmap generator in
the article in importing images into textures.
We modified that function to generate mipmaps for 2d-array and cubemaps in
the article on cube maps. In that version
we always view each layer of the texture with a '2d'
dimension to reference
just one layer of the texture.
This won’t work in compatibility mode for the reasons above. We can’t use a '2d'
view of '2d-array'
or 'cube'
texture. We also can not select individual layers
in a bind group to select which layer to read from.
To make the code work in compatibility mode we have to work with textures
with the same view dimension they were created with and we need to pass in the texture
with access to all layers and select the layer we want in the shader itself, rather
than selecting the layer via createView
as we were doing.
So let’s do that! We’ll start with the code for generateMips
from the article on cubemaps.
const generateMips = (() => { let sampler; let module; const pipelineByFormat = {}; return function generateMips(device, texture) { if (!module) { module = device.createShaderModule({ label: 'textured quad shaders for mip level generation', code: ` struct VSOutput { @builtin(position) position: vec4f, @location(0) texcoord: vec2f, }; @vertex fn vs( @builtin(vertex_index) vertexIndex : u32 ) -> VSOutput { let pos = array( vec2f( 0.0, 0.0), // center vec2f( 1.0, 0.0), // right, center vec2f( 0.0, 1.0), // center, top // 2st triangle vec2f( 0.0, 1.0), // center, top vec2f( 1.0, 0.0), // right, center vec2f( 1.0, 1.0), // right, top ); var vsOutput: VSOutput; let xy = pos[vertexIndex]; vsOutput.position = vec4f(xy * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); vsOutput.texcoord = vec2f(xy.x, 1.0 - xy.y); return vsOutput; } @group(0) @binding(0) var ourSampler: sampler; @group(0) @binding(1) var ourTexture: texture_2d<f32>; @fragment fn fs(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { return textureSample(ourTexture, ourSampler, fsInput.texcoord); } `, }); sampler = device.createSampler({ minFilter: 'linear', magFilter: 'linear', }); } if (!pipelineByFormat[texture.format]) { pipelineByFormat[texture.format] = device.createRenderPipeline({ label: 'mip level generator pipeline', layout: 'auto', vertex: { module, }, fragment: { module, targets: [{ format: texture.format }], }, }); } const pipeline = pipelineByFormat[texture.format]; const encoder = device.createCommandEncoder({ label: 'mip gen encoder', }); for (let baseMipLevel = 1; baseMipLevel < texture.mipLevelCount; ++baseMipLevel) { for (let layer = 0; layer < texture.depthOrArrayLayers; ++layer) { const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({ layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0), entries: [ { binding: 0, resource: sampler }, { binding: 1, resource: texture.createView({ dimension: '2d', baseMipLevel: baseMipLevel - 1, mipLevelCount: 1, baseArrayLayer: layer, arrayLayerCount: 1, }), }, ], }); const renderPassDescriptor = { label: 'our basic canvas renderPass', colorAttachments: [ { view: texture.createView({ dimension: '2d', baseMipLevel: baseMipLevel, mipLevelCount: 1, baseArrayLayer: layer, arrayLayerCount: 1, }), loadOp: 'clear', storeOp: 'store', }, ], }; const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor); pass.setPipeline(pipeline); pass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup); pass.draw(6); // call our vertex shader 6 times pass.end(); } } const commandBuffer = encoder.finish(); device.queue.submit([commandBuffer]); }; })();
We need to change the WGSL so for each type of texture (2d, 2d-array, cube, etc…) we use a different fragment shader and we need to be able to pass in a layer to read from.
+const faceMat = array( + mat3x3f( 0, 0, -2, 0, -2, 0, 1, 1, 1), // pos-x + mat3x3f( 0, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1), // neg-x + mat3x3f( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, -1, 1, -1), // pos-y + mat3x3f( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -1, -1, 1), // neg-y + mat3x3f( 2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, -1, 1, 1), // pos-z + mat3x3f(-2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 1, 1, -1)); // neg-z struct VSOutput { @builtin(position) position: vec4f, @location(0) texcoord: vec2f, + @location(1) @interpolate(flat, either) baseArrayLayer: u32, }; @vertex fn vs( @builtin(vertex_index) vertexIndex : u32, + @builtin(instance_index) baseArrayLayer: u32, ) -> VSOutput { var pos = array<vec2f, 3>( vec2f(-1.0, -1.0), vec2f(-1.0, 3.0), vec2f( 3.0, -1.0), ); var vsOutput: VSOutput; let xy = pos[vertexIndex]; vsOutput.position = vec4f(xy, 0.0, 1.0); vsOutput.texcoord = xy * vec2f(0.5, -0.5) + vec2f(0.5); + vsOutput.baseArrayLayer = baseArrayLayer; return vsOutput; } @group(0) @binding(0) var ourSampler: sampler; -@group(0) @binding(1) var ourTexture: texture_2d<f32>; +@group(0) @binding(1) var ourTexture2d: texture_2d<f32>; @fragment fn fs2d(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { - return textureSample(ourTexture, ourSampler, fsInput.texcoord); + return textureSample(ourTexture2d, ourSampler, fsInput.texcoord); } +@group(0) @binding(1) var ourTexture2dArray: texture_2d_array<f32>; +@fragment fn fs2darray(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { + return textureSample( + ourTexture2dArray, + ourSampler, + fsInput.texcoord, + fsInput.baseArrayLayer); +} + +@group(0) @binding(1) var ourTextureCube: texture_cube<f32>; +@fragment fn fscube(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { + return textureSample( + ourTextureCube, + ourSampler, + faceMat[fsInput.baseArrayLayer] * vec3f(fract(fsInput.texcoord), 1)); +} + +@group(0) @binding(1) var ourTextureCubeArray: texture_cube_array<f32>; +@fragment fn fscubearray(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { + return textureSample( + ourTextureCubeArray, + ourSampler, + faceMat[fsInput.baseArrayLayer] * vec3f(fract(fsInput.texcoord), 1), fsInput.baseArrayLayer); +}
This code has 4 fragment shaders, one for each of '2d'
, '2d-array'
, 'cube'
, and 'cube-array'
It uses the large triangle to cover clip space technique
covered elsewhere to draw.
It also uses @builtin(instance_index)
to select the layer. This is an interesting and quick way
to pass in a single integer value to a shader without having to use a uniform buffer.
When we call draw
, the 4th parameter is the first instance which will be passed
to the shader as @builtin(instance_index)
. We pass that from the vertex shader to fragment
shader via VSOutput.baseArrayLayer
which we can reference has fsInput.baseArrayLayer
in the fragment shader.
The cubemap code converts a 2d-array layer and normalized UV coordinate into a cubemap 3d coordinate. We need this because again, in compatibility mode, a cubemap can only be viewed as a cubemap.
Back to our JavaScript, We need to let the user pass in the viewDimension they used when they created the texture so that we can select one of these shaders. If they don’t pass it in we’ll guess from the defaults.
+ /** + * Get the default viewDimension + * Note: It's only a guess. The user needs to tell us to be + * correct in all cases because we can't distinguish between + * a 2d texture and a 2d-array texture with 1 layer, nor can + * we distinguish between a 2d-array texture with 6 layers and + * a cubemap. + */ + function getDefaultViewDimensionForTexture(dimension, depthOrArrayLayers) { + switch (dimension) { + case '1d': + return '1d'; + default: + case '2d': + return depthOrArrayLayers > 1 ? '2d-array' : '2d'; + case '3d': + return '3d'; + } + } const generateMips = (() => { let sampler; let module; const pipelineByFormat = {}; - return function generateMips(device, texture) { + return function generateMips(device, texture, textureBindingViewDimension) { + // If the user doesn't pass in a textureBindingViewDimension then guess + textureBindingViewDimension = textureBindingViewDimension ?? + getDefaultViewDimensionForTexture(texture.dimension, texture.depthOrArrayLayers); if (!module) { module = device.createShaderModule({ label: 'textured quad shaders for mip level generation', code: ` const faceMat = array( mat3x3f( 0, 0, -2, 0, -2, 0, 1, 1, 1), // pos-x mat3x3f( 0, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1), // neg-x mat3x3f( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, -1, 1, -1), // pos-y mat3x3f( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -1, -1, 1), // neg-y mat3x3f( 2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, -1, 1, 1), // pos-z mat3x3f(-2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 1, 1, -1)); // neg-z struct VSOutput { @builtin(position) position: vec4f, @location(0) texcoord: vec2f, @location(1) @interpolate(flat, either) baseArrayLayer: u32, }; @vertex fn vs( @builtin(vertex_index) vertexIndex : u32, @builtin(instance_index) baseArrayLayer: u32, ) -> VSOutput { var pos = array<vec2f, 3>( vec2f(-1.0, -1.0), vec2f(-1.0, 3.0), vec2f( 3.0, -1.0), ); var vsOutput: VSOutput; let xy = pos[vertexIndex]; vsOutput.position = vec4f(xy, 0.0, 1.0); vsOutput.texcoord = xy * vec2f(0.5, -0.5) + vec2f(0.5); vsOutput.baseArrayLayer = baseArrayLayer; return vsOutput; } @group(0) @binding(0) var ourSampler: sampler; @group(0) @binding(1) var ourTexture2d: texture_2d<f32>; @fragment fn fs2d(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { return textureSample(ourTexture2d, ourSampler, fsInput.texcoord); } @group(0) @binding(1) var ourTexture2dArray: texture_2d_array<f32>; @fragment fn fs2darray(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { return textureSample( ourTexture2dArray, ourSampler, fsInput.texcoord, fsInput.baseArrayLayer); } @group(0) @binding(1) var ourTextureCube: texture_cube<f32>; @fragment fn fscube(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { return textureSample( ourTextureCube, ourSampler, faceMat[fsInput.baseArrayLayer] * vec3f(fract(fsInput.texcoord), 1)); } @group(0) @binding(1) var ourTextureCubeArray: texture_cube_array<f32>; @fragment fn fscubearray(fsInput: VSOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f { return textureSample( ourTextureCubeArray, ourSampler, faceMat[fsInput.baseArrayLayer] * vec3f(fract(fsInput.texcoord), 1), fsInput.baseArrayLayer); } `, }); sampler = device.createSampler({ minFilter: 'linear', magFilter: 'linear', }); } ...
Before we tracked a pipeline per format so we could reuse the pipeline for textures of the same format. We need to update that to be a pipeline per format per viewDimension.
const generateMips = (() => { let sampler; let module; - const pipelineByFormat = {}; + const pipelineByFormatAndView = {}; return function generateMips(device, texture, textureBindingViewDimension) { // If the user doesn't pass in a textureBindingViewDimension then guess textureBindingViewDimension = textureBindingViewDimension ?? getDefaultViewDimensionForTexture(texture); let module = moduleByViewDimension[textureBindingViewDimension]; if (!module) { ... } + const id = `${texture.format}.${textureBindingViewDimension}`; - if (!pipelineByFormat[texture.format]) { - pipelineByFormat[texture.format] = device.createRenderPipeline({ - label: 'mip level generator pipeline', + if (!pipelineByFormatAndView[id]) { + // chose an fragment shader based on the viewDimension (removes the '-' from 2d-array and cube-array) + const entryPoint = `fs${textureBindingViewDimension.replace(/[\W]/, '')}`; + pipelineByFormatAndView[id] = device.createRenderPipeline({ + label: `mip level generator pipeline for ${textureBindingViewDimension}, format: ${texture.format}`, layout: 'auto', vertex: { module, }, fragment: { module, entryPoint, targets: [{ format: texture.format }], }, }); } - const pipeline = pipelineByFormat[texture.format]; + const pipeline = pipelineByFormatAndView[id]; ... }
Then our loop to generate the mipmap needs to change to use the full layers, since compatibility mode does not allow a sub-range of layers. We also need to use our ability to pass in the instance index via draw to select the layer we want to read from.
const generateMips = (() => { ... const pipeline = pipelineByFormatAndView[id]; for (let baseMipLevel = 1; baseMipLevel < texture.mipLevelCount; ++baseMipLevel) { for (let layer = 0; layer < texture.depthOrArrayLayers; ++layer) { const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({ layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0), entries: [ { binding: 0, resource: sampler }, { binding: 1, resource: texture.createView({ - dimension: '2d', + dimension: textureBindingViewDimension, baseMipLevel: baseMipLevel - 1, mipLevelCount: 1, - baseArrayLayer: layer, - arrayLayerCount: 1, }), }, ], }); const renderPassDescriptor = { label: 'our basic canvas renderPass', colorAttachments: [ { view: texture.createView({ dimension: '2d', baseMipLevel, mipLevelCount: 1, baseArrayLayer: layer, arrayLayerCount: 1, }), loadOp: 'clear', storeOp: 'store', }, ], }; const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor); pass.setPipeline(pipeline); pass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup); - pass.draw(6); + // draw 3 vertices, 1 instance, first instance (instance_index) = layer + pass.draw(3, 1, 0, layer); pass.end(); } } const commandBuffer = encoder.finish(); device.queue.submit([commandBuffer]); }; })();
With that our mipmap generation code works in compatibility mode, and it still works in core WebGPU.
We have a few other things we need to update to make the example work though.
We have a function createTextureFromSources
that we pass sources
to and it creates a texture. It was always creating a '2d'
since in core we can view a '2d'
texture with 6 layers as a cubemap.
Instead, we need to make it so we can pass in a viewDimension and/or
a dimension so that when we create the texture we can tell compatibility
mode how we will view it.
+ function textureViewDimensionToDimension(viewDimension) { + switch (viewDimension) { + case '1d': return '1d'; + case '3d': return '3d'; + default: return '2d'; + } + } function createTextureFromSources(device, sources, options = {}) { + const viewDimension = options.viewDimension ?? + getDefaultViewDimensionForTexture(options.dimension, sources.length); + const dimension = options.dimension ?? textureViewDimensionToDimension(viewDimension); // Assume are sources all the same size so just use the first one for width and height const source = sources[0]; const texture = device.createTexture({ format: 'rgba8unorm', mipLevelCount: options.mips ? numMipLevels(source.width, source.height) : 1, size: [source.width, source.height, sources.length], usage: GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT, + dimension, + textureBindingViewDimension: viewDimension, }); copySourcesToTexture(device, texture, sources, options); return texture; }
We also need to update copySourcesToTexture
to get the viewDimension
pass it to generateMips
function copySourcesToTexture(device, texture, sources, {flipY, viewDimension} = {}) { sources.forEach((source, layer) => { device.queue.copyExternalImageToTexture( { source, flipY, }, { texture, origin: [0, 0, layer] }, { width: source.width, height: source.height }, ); }); if (texture.mipLevelCount > 1) { + viewDimension = viewDimension ?? + getDefaultViewDimensionForTexture(texture.dimension, sources.length); + generateMips(device, texture, viewDimension); - generateMips(device, texture); } }
And, we need to update our call to createTextureFromSources
to tell it in advance
that we want a cubemap.
const texture = await createTextureFromSources( - device, faceCanvases, {mips: true, flipY: false}); + device, faceCanvases, {mips: true, flipY: false, viewDimension: 'cube'});
To make the example run in compatibility mode we need to request it like we covered at the top of this article.
async function main() { - const adapter = await navigator.gpu?.requestAdapter() + const adapter = await navigator.gpu?.requestAdapter({ + featureLevel: 'compatibility', + }); const device = await adapter?.requestDevice(); ...
And with that, our cube map sample works in compatibility mode.
You now have a compatibility mode friendly generateMips
which you could
use in any of the examples on this site. It works on both core and compatibility mode.
In compatibility mode you must pass in a viewDimension
if you want a cube map or if
you want a 1 layer 2d-array. In core WebGPU you can pass one in or not. It doesn’t matter.
The following are limits and restrictions most programs are unlikely to run into
In core, when you create a render pipeline, each color target can specify blending settings. We used blending settings in the article on blending and transparency. In compatibility mode, all the settings across all color targets in a single pipeline must be the same.
and copyTextureToTexture
do not work with compressed texturescopyTextureToTexture
does not work with multisampled texturescube-array
is not supportedIn core WebGPU you can make multiple texture views of a texture to different mip
levels AND use them in the same draw call. This is uncommon. Note that this
restriction is on TEXTURE_BINDING
usage, using a texture via a bindGroup. You
can still use a different view as a RENDER_ATTACHMENT
as we did in the mipmap generation
code above.
and @builtin(sample_index)
are not supportedrg32uint
, rg32sint
and rg32float
texture formats can not be used as storage textures.depthClampBias
must be 0This is a setting when creating a render pipeline.
and @interpolation(..., sample)
are not supportedThese were briefly mentioned in the article on inter-stage variables.
and @interpolate(flat, first)
are not supportedIn compatibility mode you must use @interpolate(flat, either)
when you want
flat interpolation. either
means the value passed to the fragment shader
could be the value from either the first or last vertex of the triangle or line
being drawn.
It is common for this not to matter. The most common use cases for passing something
with flat interpolation from the vertex shader to the fragment shader are usually
per model, per material, or per instance types of values. For example the mipmap
generation code above used flat interpolation above to pass the instance_index
to the fragment shader. It will be the same for all vertices of a triangle and
so works just fine with @interpolate(flat, either)
In core WebGPU you can create an 'rgba8unorm'
texture and view it as an 'rgba8unorm-srgb'
texture and visa-versa as well as other '-srgb'
formats and their corresponding non '-srgb'
formats. Compatibility mode does not allow this. Whatever format you create the texture
is the only format it can be used as.
is not supported.rgba16float
and r32float
textures can not be multisampled.depthOrArrayLayers
must be compatible with textureBindingViewDimension
This means a texture marked with textureBindingViewDimension: '2d'
have a depthOrArrayLayers: 1
(the default). A texture marked with textureBindingViewDimension: 'cube'
must have depthOrArrayLayers: 6
does not work with depth textures.A “depth texture” is a texture referenced in WGSL with texture_depth
, or texture_depth_cube
. Those can not be used with
in compatibility mode.ß
On the other hand, textureLoad
can be used with texture_2d<f32>
, texture_2d_array<f32>
and a texture that has a depth format can be bound to these bindings…
Again, a “depth texture” is a texture referenced in WGSL with texture_depth
, or texture_depth_cube
. Those can not be used
with a non-comparison sampler in compatibility mode.
This effectively means texture_depth
, texture_depth_2d_array
, and texture_depth_cube
can only be used with textureSampleCompare
, textureSampleCompareLevel
and textureGatherCompare
in compatibility mode.
On the other hand, you can bind a texture that uses a depth format to a texture_2d<f32>
, texture_2d_array<f32>
and texture_cube<f32>
subject to the normal restriction that it must use a non-filtering sampler.
In core you can bind 16+ textures and 16+ samplers and then in your shader you can use all 256+ combinations.
In compatibility mode you can only use 16 total combinations in a single stage.
The actual rule is a little more complicated. Here it is spelled out in pseudo code.
maxCombinationsPerStage = min(device.limits.maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage, device.limits.maxSamplersPerShaderStage) for each stage of the pipeline: sum = 0 for each texture binding in the pipeline layout which is visible to that stage: sum += max(1, number of texture sampler combos for that texture binding) for each external texture binding in the pipeline layout which is visible to that stage: sum += 1 // for LUT texture + LUT sampler sum += 3 * max(1, number of external_texture sampler combos) // for Y+U+V if sum > maxCombinationsPerStage generate a validation error.
limit | compat | core |
maxColorAttachments |
4 | 8 |
maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup |
128 | 256 |
maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX |
128 | 256 |
maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY |
128 | 256 |
maxInterStageShaderVariables |
15 | 16 |
maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage |
4 | 8 |
maxTextureDimension1D |
4096 | 8192 |
maxTextureDimension2D |
4096 | 8192 |
maxUniformBufferBindingSize |
16384 | 65536 |
maxVertexAttributes |
16a | 16 |
(a) In compatibility mode, using @builtin(vertex_index)
and/or @builtin(instance_index)
each count as an
Of course the adapter may support higher limits for any of these.
Like other limits, you can check when you request an adapter what the adapter supports.
As mentioned above, about 45% of devices support 0
storage buffers in vertex shaders.
Compatibility mode was designed for you to opt-in. If you can design your application to live with the restrictions above then you ask for compatibility mode. If not, ask for core, the default, if the device can’t handle core it will not return an adapter.
On the the other hand, you can also to design your app to function in compatibility mode but take advantage of all the core features if the user has a device that supports core WebGPU.
To do this, ask for a compatibility mode adapter, then check
for and enable the core-features-and-limits
feature. If it
exists on the adapter AND you require it on the device the
device will be a core device and none of the restrictions above
will apply.
const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({ featureLevel: 'compatibility', }); const hasCore = adapter.features.has('core-features-and-limits'); const device = await adapter.requestDevice({ requiredFeatures: [ ...(hasCore ? ['core-features-and-limits'] : []), ], });
If hasCore
is true then none of the above restrictions and limits apply.
Note that other code that wants to check if the device is a core or compatibility device should check the device’s features.
const isCore = device.features.has('core-features-and-limits');
This will always be true on a core device.
Note: As of 2025-03-11, some browsers have not yet fully shipped WebGPU and have not added
to their implementations. They should be updated soon.
On a browser that supports compatibility mode you can test your
application follows the restrictions by NOT requesting 'core-features-and-limits'
(as we did at the top).
You may want to check that you actually have a compatibility
device so you can know that the restrictions and limits are
being enforced.
const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({ featureLevel: 'compatibility', }); const device = await adapter.requestDevice(); const isCompatibilityMode = !device.features.has('core-features-and-limits');
This is a good way to test if your app will run on these older devices.
Note: As of 2025-03-11, some browsers have not yet fully shipped WebGPU and have not added
to their implementations. They should be updated soon.