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WebGPU Bind Group Layouts

Bind Group Layouts are used to make it easy and efficient for WebGPU to match Bind Groups to Compute and Render Pipelines.

How it works:

A Pipeline, like a GPUComputePipeline or GPURenderPipeline uses a GPUPipelineLayout which defines 0 or more GPUBindGroupLayouts. Each GPUBindGroupLayout is assigned to a specific group index.

Bind Groups are each created with a specific GPUBindGroupLayout as well.

When you go to draw or to dispatchWorkgroups, WebGPU only needs to check, does the GPUBindGroupLayout for each group index on the current pipeline’s GPUPipelineLayout match the currently bound bind groups, the ones set with setBindGroup. This check is trivially simple. Most of the detailed checking happens when you create the bind group. That way, when you’re actually drawing or computing, there’s almost nothing left to check.

Pipelines will generate their own GPUPipelineLayout and populate it with GPUBindGroupLayouts automatically if you create the pipeline with layout: 'auto' which is what most of the samples on this website do.

There are 2 main reasons to NOT use layout: 'auto'.

  1. You want a layout that’s different than the default 'auto' layout

    For example you want to use a rgba32float as a texture but you get an error when you try. (see below)

  2. You want to use a bind group with more than 1 pipeline

    You can not use a bind group made from a bindGroupLayout that was made from a pipeline with layout: 'auto' with a different pipeline.

Using a bind group layout different than layout: 'auto' - 'rgba32float'

The rules for how a bind group layout is automatically created are detailed in the spec, but, as one example…

Let’s say we want to use an rgba32float texture. Let’s take our first example of using a texture from the article on textures which drew an upside down 5x7 texel ‘F’. Let’s update it to use an rgba32float texture.

Here are the changes.

  const kTextureWidth = 5;
  const kTextureHeight = 7;
-  const _ = [255,   0,   0, 255];  // red
-  const y = [255, 255,   0, 255];  // yellow
-  const b = [  0,   0, 255, 255];  // blue
-  const textureData = new Uint8Array([
+  const _ = [1, 0, 0, 1];  // red
+  const y = [1, 1, 0, 1];  // yellow
+  const b = [0, 0, 1, 1];  // blue
+  const textureData = new Float32Array([
    b, _, _, _, _,
    _, y, y, y, _,
    _, y, _, _, _,
    _, y, y, _, _,
    _, y, _, _, _,
    _, y, _, _, _,
    _, _, _, _, _,

  const texture = device.createTexture({
    label: 'yellow F on red',
    size: [kTextureWidth, kTextureHeight],
-    format: 'rgba8unorm',
+    format: 'rgba32float',
      GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING |
      { texture },
-      { bytesPerRow: kTextureWidth * 4 },
+      { bytesPerRow: kTextureWidth * 4 * 4 },
      { width: kTextureWidth, height: kTextureHeight },

When we run it we’ll get an error.

The error I got in the browser I tested in was:

  • WebGPU GPUValidationError: None of the supported sample types (UnfilterableFloat) of [Texture “yellow F on red”] match the expected sample types (Float).`
  • While validating entries[1] as a Sampled Texture. Expected entry layout: {sampleType: TextureSampleType::Float, viewDimension: 2, multisampled: 0}`
  • While validating [BindGroupDescriptor] against [BindGroupLayout (unlabeled)]`
  • While calling [Device].CreateBindGroup([BindGroupDescriptor])`

What’s up with that? It turns out that rgba32float (and all xxx32float) textures are not filterable by default. There is an optional feature to make them filterable but, that feature might not be available everywhere. This is especially likely on mobile devices, at least in 2024.

By default, when you declare a binding with a texture_2d<f32> like this:

      @group(0) @binding(1) var ourTexture: texture_2d<f32>;

And you use layout: 'auto' when creating your pipeline, WebGPU creates a bind group layout that specifically requires filterable textures. If you try to bind an unfilterable one you get an error.

If you want to use a texture that can not be filtered then you’ll need to manually create a bind group layout.

There’s a tool, here, that if you paste your shaders, it will generate the auto layout for you. Pasting in the shader from the example above it gives me

const bindGroupLayoutDescriptors = [
    entries: [
        binding: 0,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
        sampler: {
          type: "filtering",
        binding: 1,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
        texture: {
          sampleType: "float",
          viewDimension: "2d",
          multisampled: false,

This is an array of GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptors. Above you can see the bind group uses sampleType: "float". That’s the type for 'rgba8unorm' but it’s not the type for 'rgba32float'. You can read the sample types a particular texture format works with in this table in the spec.

To fix the example we need to adjust both the texture binding and the sampler binding. The sampler binding needs to be changed into a 'non-filtering' sampler. The texture binding needs to be changed to an 'unfilterable-float'.

So, first, we need to create a GPUBindGroupLayout

  const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
    entries: [
        binding: 0,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
        sampler: {
*          type: 'non-filtering',
        binding: 1,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
        texture: {
*          sampleType: 'unfilterable-float',
          viewDimension: '2d',
          multisampled: false,

The two changes are marked above.

Then we need to create a GPUPipelineLayout which is an array of the GPUBindGroupLayouts used by a pipeline.

  const pipelineLayout = device.createPipelineLayout({
    bindGroupLayouts: [ bindGroupLayout ],

createPipelineLayout takes an object with an array of GPUBindGroupLayouts. They are ordered by group index so the first entry becomes @group(0), the 2nd entry becomes @group(1), etc… If you need to skip one you’ll need to add an empty bind group layout.

Finally, when we create the pipeline, we pass in the pipeline layout

  const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
    label: 'hardcoded textured quad pipeline',
-    layout: 'auto',
+    layout: pipelineLayout,
    vertex: {
    fragment: {
      targets: [{ format: presentationFormat }],

With that, our example works again but now it’s using an rgba32float texture.

Note: the example works both because we did the work above to make a bind group layout that accepted unfilterable-float but it also happens to work because the example uses a GPUSampler using only 'nearest' filtering. If we set any of the filters, magFilter, minFilter or mipmapFilter to 'linear' we’d get an error saying that we tried to use a 'filtering' sampler on a 'non-filtering' sampler binding.

Using a bind group layout different than layout: 'auto' - dynamic offsets

By default, when you make a bind group and you bind a uniform or storage buffer, the entire buffer is bound. You can also pass in an offset and length when creating your bind group. In both cases, once set, they can not be changed.

WebGPU has an option to let you change the offset when you call setBindGroup. To use this feature, you have to manually create bind group layouts and set hasDynamicOffsets: true for each binding you want to be able to set later.

To keep this simple, let’s use the simple compute example from the article on fundamentals. We’ll modify it to add 2 sets of values from the same buffer and we’ll choose which set using dynamic offsets.

First lets change the shader to this

@group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> a: array<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> b: array<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> dst: array<f32>;

@compute @workgroup_size(1) fn computeSomething(
  @builtin(global_invocation_id) id: vec3u
) {
  let i = id.x;
  dst[i] = a[i] + b[i];

you can see it just adds a to b and writes into dst.

Next let’s make the bind group layout

  const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
    entries: [
        binding: 0,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
        buffer: {
          type: 'storage',
          hasDynamicOffset: true,
        binding: 1,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
        buffer: {
          type: 'storage',
          hasDynamicOffset: true,
        binding: 2,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
        buffer: {
          type: 'storage',
          hasDynamicOffset: true,

All of them are marked as hasDynamicStorage: true

now let’s use it to create our pipeline

  const pipelineLayout = device.createPipelineLayout({
    bindGroupLayouts: [ bindGroupLayout ],

  const pipeline = device.createComputePipeline({
-    label: 'double compute pipeline',
-    layout: 'auto',
+    label: 'add elements compute pipeline',
+    layout: pipelineLayout,
    compute: {

Let’s setup the buffer. Offset must be a multiple of 256 [1] so, let’s create a buffer 256 * 3 bytes large so we have at least 3 valid offsets, 0, 256, and 512.

-  const input = new Float32Array([1, 3, 5]);
+  const input = new Float32Array(64 * 3);
+  input.set([1, 3, 5]);
+  input.set([11, 12, 13], 64);

  // create a buffer on the GPU to hold our computation
  // input and output
  const workBuffer = device.createBuffer({
    label: 'work buffer',
    size: input.byteLength,
    usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
  // Copy our input data to that buffer
  device.queue.writeBuffer(workBuffer, 0, input);

The code above makes an array of 64 * 3 32bit floats. That’s 768 bytes.

Since our original example read and wrote to the same buffer we’ll just bind the same buffer 3 times.

  // Setup a bindGroup to tell the shader which
  // buffers to use for the computation
  const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
    label: 'bindGroup for work buffer',
    layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
    entries: [
-      { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: workBuffer } },
+      { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: workBuffer, size: 256 } },
+      { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: workBuffer, size: 256 } },
+      { binding: 2, resource: { buffer: workBuffer, size: 256 } },

Note, we must specify the size, otherwise it will default to the size of the entire buffer. If we were to then set an offset > 0 we’d get an error since we’d be specifying a portion of the buffer that’s out of range.

In setBindGroup we now pass in 1 offset for each buffer that has dynamic offsets. Since we marked all 3 entries in the bind group layout as hasDynamicOffset: true we need 3 offsets in the order of their binding slot.

-  pass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
+  pass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup, [0, 256, 512]);

Finally, we need to change the code to show the result

-  console.log(input);
-  console.log(result);
+  console.log('a', input.slice(0, 3));
+  console.log('b', input.slice(64, 64 + 3));
+  console.log('dst', result.slice(128, 128 + 3));

Note that, using dynamic offsets is slightly slower than non-dynamic offsets. The reason is, with non-dynamic offsets, whether the offset and size are in range of the buffer is checked when you create the bind group. With dynamic offsets, that check can not be made until you call setBindGroup. If you’re only calling setBindGroup a few hundred times that difference probably won’t matter. If you’re calling setBindGroup 1000s of times it might be more noticeable.

Using a bind group with more than 1 pipeline

Another reason to create bind group layouts manually is so we can use the same bind group with more than one pipeline.

A common places you might want to be able to reuse a bind group is in a basic 3d scene renderer with shadows.

In a basic 3d scene renderer it’s common to separate bindings into

  • globals (like the perspective and view matrices)
  • materials (the textures, colors)
  • locals (like the model matrix)

You then render like this

setBindGroup(0, globalsBG)
for each material
  setBindGroup(1, materialBG)
  for each object that uses material
    setBindGroup(2, localBG)

When you add shadows, you need to first draw the shadow maps with a shadow map pipeline. Rather than having separate bind groups of all of those things, ones to work with the pipeline that draws and different bind groups to work with the pipeline that renders the shadow map, it would be much easier to just make one set of bind groups and use the same ones for both cases.

That’s a rather large sample to write, just to show off sharing bind groups. Although, the article on shadows uses shared bind groups we’ll take the simple compute example from the article on fundamentals again and make it use 2 compute pipelines with one bind group.

First let’s add another shader module that adds 3

-  const module = device.createShaderModule({
+  const moduleTimes2 = device.createShaderModule({
    label: 'doubling compute module',
    code: `
      @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> data: array<f32>;

      @compute @workgroup_size(1) fn computeSomething(
        @builtin(global_invocation_id) id: vec3u
      ) {
        let i = id.x;
        data[i] = data[i] * 2.0;

+  const modulePlus3 = device.createShaderModule({
+    label: 'adding 3 compute module',
+    code: `
+      @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> data: array<f32>;
+      @compute @workgroup_size(1) fn computeSomething(
+        @builtin(global_invocation_id) id: vec3u
+      ) {
+        let i = id.x;
+        data[i] = data[i] + 3.0;
+      }
+    `,
+  });

Then let’s create a GPUBindGroupLayout and GPUPipelineLayout we can use to make the 2 pipelines share the same GPUBindGroup.

  const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
    entries: [
        binding: 0,
        visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
        buffer: {
          type: 'storage',
          minBindingSize: 0,

  const pipelineLayout = device.createPipelineLayout({
    bindGroupLayouts: [ bindGroupLayout ],

Now let’s use them when creating the pipelines.

-  const pipeline = device.createComputePipeline({
+  const pipelineTimes2 = device.createComputePipeline({
    label: 'doubling compute pipeline',
-    layout: 'auto',
+    layout: pipelineLayout,
    compute: {
      module: moduleTimes2,

+  const pipelinePlus3 = device.createComputePipeline({
+    label: 'plus 3 compute pipeline',
+    layout: pipelineLayout,
+    compute: {
+      module: modulePlus3,
+    },
+  });

When we setup the bind group, let’s use the bindGroupLayout directly

  // Setup a bindGroup to tell the shader which
  // buffer to use for the computation
  const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
    label: 'bindGroup for work buffer',
-    layout: pipeline.getBindGroupLayout(0),
+    layout: bindGroupLayout,
    entries: [
      { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: workBuffer } },

Finally let’s use both pipelines

  // Encode commands to do the computation
  const encoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
  const pass = encoder.beginComputePass();
-  pass.setPipeline(pipeline);
+  pass.setPipeline(pipelineTimes2);
  pass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup);
+  pass.setPipeline(pipelinePlus3);
+  pass.dispatchWorkgroups(input.length);

The result is we multiply by 2 and add 3 with one bind group.

Not very exciting but at least it’s a working and simple example.

When to manually make bind group layouts and when to not is really up to you. In the example above it would arguably have been easier to just make 2 bind groups, 1 for each pipeline.

For simple situations it’s often not necessary to manually make bind group layouts but, as your WebGPU programs get more complex, it’s likely making bind group layouts will be a technique you reach for.

Bind Group Layout notes:

Some things to note about creating a GPUBindGroupLayout

  • Each entry must declare which binding it is for

  • Each entry must declare which stages it will be visible in.

    In our examples above we declared just one visibility. If, for example, we wanted to reference the bind group both the vertex and the fragment shader we’d use:

       visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT | GPUShaderStage.VERTEX

    or all 3 stages:

       visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE |
                   GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT | 
  • There are several defaults:

    For texture: bindings the defaults are:

      sampleType: 'float',
      viewDimension: '2d',
      multisampled: false,

    For a sampler: bindings the defaults are:

      type: 'filtering',

    That means, in the most common sampler and texture usages, you could declare the sampler and texture entries like this

    const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
      entries: [
          binding: 0,
          visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
          sampler: {},  // use the defaults
          binding: 1,
          visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
          texture: {},  // use the defaults
  • buffer entries should declare a minBindingSize when possible.

    When you declare a buffer binding you can specify a minBindingSize.

    A good example might be you make a struct for uniforms. For example in the article on uniforms we had this struct:

    struct OurStruct {
      color: vec4f,
      scale: vec2f,
      offset: vec2f,
    @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> ourStruct: OurStruct;

    It requires 32 bytes so, we should declare it’s minBindingSize like this:

    const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
      entries: [
          binding: 0,
          visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
          buffer: {
            type: 'uniform',
            minBindingSize: 32,

    The reason to declare a minBindingSize is it lets WebGPU check if your buffer size/offset is the correct size when you call createBindGroup. If you don’t set a minBindingSize, then WebGPU will have to check at draw/dispatchWorkgroups time that the buffer is the correct size of the pipeline. Checking every draw calls is slower than checking once when you create a bind group.

    On the the other hand, in our example above that used a storage buffer to double numbers etc, we didn’t declare a minBindingSize. That’s because, since the storage buffer is declared as an array, are able to bind different size buffers depending on how many values you pass in.

This part of the spec details all the options for making bind group layouts.

This article also has some advice on bind groups and bind group layouts.

This Library will compute struct sizes and default bind group layouts for you.

  1. It’s possible your device supports smaller offsets. See the minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment or minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment in limits and features. ↩︎

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